Love and its benefits and drawbacks
2011-11-03 | 00:28:03 | KOMMENTERA HÄR! (1) | SERIOUS SHITLove means different things to different people. For some it is an illusion, something painful or just a word. Some sees it like a drug, hope and happiness. In the younger age it is often someone out of reach that we fall for; an actor, singer or athlete. Once we get older it becomes more complicated, the actor gets replaced by a person that you actually have met.
The feeling of being in love is something I think that everyone should experience. The feeling of appreciation and that someone likes you the way you are. To be together, share joy and sorrow and understanding each other.
But every relationship comes to an end, the feeling you just had about being on top of the world vanishes. Once you’ve experienced love, it becomes like a part of you is missing when you’ve lost it. We learn that life isn’t like in movies; where love just comes and goes. The worst part of love is when you lose it. At the point where ice cream and chocolate becomes your new best friends.

och du tror att jag orkar läsa engelska :(